Friday, April 5, 2013

Segragated Prom

Today FORTY FIVE YEARS after the civil rights movement there are still segragated proms. In Wilcox County High School, Ga, a group of highschool students are fighting for integrated proms. Some female students have been best friends there whole lives and they could not share one of their most amazing nights together. Its amazing to see that in the south this segragation has lasted this long. The students have tried to change this, but since this is privatly funded, the school has no say in the matter. Parents and students plan the prom so it shows that problems between ethnicities exist since it has not been integrated after forty five years. In a interview Stephanie Sinnot told WSAV that "We are all friends...That's just kind of not right that we can't go to prom together." These kids have spent their childhood and youth together, they should be abled to end it together.

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